
Development Environment Cross Examiner

What is deCrex?

deCrex is an intranet application, which learns content and configurations of software development environment systems and then reports on their consistency and completeness. By doing this deCrex insures development environment enables teams to find the code, to build, to test and to deliver software

What does deCrex do?

The entire functionality of the application can be divided into three areas:
  • Since deCrex scans and understands the content of source code repositories and build servers, it becomes a searchable knowledge base with automatically retrieved and added descriptions of available software modules. This increases re-use of available code and reduces duplication of work
  • deCrex checks adherence of every source code repository, application module and build server to configured rules. This eases sharing among the development teams and insures integrity of environment configurations
  • deCrex builds map of dependencies among scanned software modules and, to ease search and categorization, it allows tagging of the modules and propagating the assigned tags either up or down the dependencies tree. This helps to
    • asses impact of changes in any module on its dependents;
    • determine products, which are affected by discovered defect or security/license vulnerability;
    • determine obsolete modules, which are not needed for deliveries or for internal tooling

Why does deCrex do this?

With growth of number applications being developed or number of applications’ versions being supported by a company it becomes very easy to lose overview of information in dispersed software development environment systems. Even when the projects are being well documented, a harmless change to one of these systems can make the documentation obsolete, information not available. In such situations it becomes very difficult to quickly respond to a customer request to resolve a defect and to implement a new feature in an affected application. deCrex addresses these problems

What deCrex is not?

  • deCrex scans descriptions of the modules, however it does not analyze the source code. It's not a replacement for code quality management platforms like SonarQube
  • deCrex will help you to find dependents of a module with problematic license. However it's not a complete solution for licenses management like Black Duck

Who and how do I talk to?